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The level of looting happening in the counties is beyond measure.
A county like Nairobi City SHOULD NEVER EVER get even a single coin from the exchequer. But because we record only 10% of what we collect as daily revenue, we are still reliant on national government. We record only that because of too much pilferage through theft by institutions and individuals.
Nairobi City County has a revenue system called Nairobi Revenue Service (Nairobi Pay). Nobody knows who owns it, when it was contracted, agreement it signed with Nairobi City County or even the real amount it collects per day.
Nairobi Pay is apparently a system which NIS developed for NMS to use. When Ruto assumed power, one agreement they (NIS operatives assigned to State House) had with governor Sakaja was that NRS should not be removed as principal revenue collection system. Now the system has been in use at the Nairobi City County for all this time and nobody has answers why it is not operating as demanded by the National Payment Systems Act.
The system is opaque with not even a single employee of Nairobi having admin rights to it. But it’s the main revenue collection system. Now we are told that it’s collecting Ksh 20 million to Ksh 30 million per day. Nairobi City County has the potential to collect a minimum of Ksh 120 million per day or Ksh 43 billion a year. Nairobi City collects a meagre Ksh 9 billion against a budget of Ksh 38 billion.
Remember that Nairobi City County has Ksh 100. billion in pending bills it needs to pay. President Ruto should seek to demand that counties automate. Nairobi City County doesn’t even have a basic ERP system. Nairobi City County rely on disjointed systems which don’t communicate to carry out daily transaction. Any attempt to demand better action is met by resistance and you labeled names. While I am told that the cartels have roped Ruto into the deal, I am not sure. So I still believe that he can stop the wanton wastage. President
, make sure that Nairobi City County automate and operate systems which are trasnaparent and accountable. We are operating systems which are not transparent now. These acts of lootings are leading to Nairobi City County residents and visitors getting low quality services if any, mothers dying in hospitals and residential areas turning into death traps. As it is now, nobody knows what is in the Nairobi Pay Code, how many bank accounts are linked to it and who owns the bank accounts or even where it is hosted.
We haven’t touched on sectors like planning, trade, transport etc. This is just from the system. If you were to stop the basic pilferage at the sector levels, Nairobi City County can lend other African countries money. Imagine what’s happening in other counties. Let’s be demand better. Parties should NEVER deny us our chance to demand that govts be accountable. We are being sabotaged from asking questions now. Governor
seems to be trying and I hope that he succeeds. But the cartels are still winning close to 10 months after the general elections. Something needs to seriously change. You want to hear all others? Utashangaa! Kenya is very rich. we have a ‘lootocracy’ problem.

Another County greatly affected has been kilifi County where the governor is on probe by the EACC for a tender to purchase and delpoy a revenue Management System worth over KSH 103M . The governor has also been quoted prompting to have some money directly being payind to him as a kick back.